About Me and My Blog


My name is Oleksiy, and I am a travel blogger.

How I ended up here?

It all started with harmless short trips abroad. Not often and, as a rule, to one location only. In general, nothing portended any troubles. But over time, I began to fly rapidly along the slope. It got to the point that one of the journeys extended up to 1.5 months and 7 countries. And now I have 15 countries on my list (and on my hard drive).

Of course, I’m not taking the blame from myself. But it would be foolish to deny the effect of the low-cost airlines’ expansion. It was necessary to do something with this. So I made this difficult decision to start a blog. In order not to keep everything in myself, I will share useful info about cities and countries.

Will this blog be interesting for you?

If there is no place for tour operators and travel agencies in your life,
you’ve come to the right place!

First of all, Travirta will be useful for those who organize their trips on their own. I haven’t dealt with package tours since my school years. And I don’t advise you to do it. Why?

There are two main reasons:

people are born free;

it’s already 2024.

Today, absolutely everything you need for travel can be organized on your own. And every year it becomes easier and cheaper.

Yes, from afar, many things may seem too complicated. But, believe me, this is only up to immersion to the topic. Reading my blog, you can easily get to the same conclusion.

My experience will be interesting and useful for those who tend to budget travel. And a budget trip, in this case, is not the same as the regime of the maximum economy in everything. It is about the best value for money. Yes, when traveling across Europe, I usually use low-cost airlines. But not always. For some locations there are reasonable offers from regular airlines.

Same for accommodation. In various locations different options are more attractive. Somewhere it will be nice apartments with a kitchen, somewhere it’s a hostel. Somewhere Booking.com has better offers, somewhere – Airbnb. And there are such extraordinary places like Venice, where the process of choosing a place to stay already leaves a lot of unforgettable emotions. In some locations the best options are just not available via online services. You need to find the landlord in person.

I mostly travel to historical places. Long wallowing on the sand makes me bored. So there won’t be a lot of beach content yet. There will be many routes for those who like to explore cities and sights, mainly by moving the lower limbs one by one.

So nothing to do here for the package tour lovers?

Proponents of package tours can also find something to profit from on Travirta. I think that first of all you’ll be interested in what else you can visit and what to do in the city or country in general. In addition to the standard program that local guides will offer you.

Moreover, I sincerely hope that while diving into the topic, you will understand how much cooler it is – not to be dependent on intermediary organizers. And spend as much time as you want, where you suddenly want to overstay. And if you don’t check out all the coolness of independence, there’s nothing wrong either. I’ll just ban by IP. Just kidding, probably. :)

Going on travel, I ALSO read travel blogs

Blogs of alive people who personally have visited the target location, for me are the primary source of information when planning a trip. Especially when I’m lack of time for preparation (and it’s almost always).

Searching for informative blogs sometimes takes a long time. I believe many of you are familiar with the situation. You enter the location name + “what to visit”, “sights”, etc. in the search bar. In response, the search engine spits out the sites of large aggregators at the top positions. With headlines like “Australia’s 17 best beaches to smoke hookah with a raccoon in 2022.”

Such materials are mostly written by people who had never been to Australia and had never seen an alive raccoon. And the experience of smoking a hookah itself is definitely not enough for an informative article. Therefore, they rewrite each other, often repeating outdated or incorrect information one after another. Regarding this, I always reminisce, with special trepidation, the colorful descriptions of “crystal clear water” Pattaya beaches.

So I scroll down through those masterpieces created by soulless aggregators, looking for blogs of alive people. I usually watch Youtube bloggers too. Yes, it’s faster to watch a video than to read the texts. But it’s longer to take notes. Being already on the spot to look for useful information and reviewing different videos is not very convenient. Especially when the answer is required fast. Therefore, when there is not enough time to prepare, the best option is to add a couple of the best guides from bloggers to the bookmarks on your smartphone. And go forward.

What am I writing about?

Based on the content that is useful for me in travel preparation, I form guides for you. The ambitious task is to create one page for each location. Where you can find exhaustive information for planning travel and navigation already on-site.

Most of the information you can find on Travirta is based on my personal experience. But not only. I try to verify “borrowed” info as much as possible to be actual and correct. At the same time, of course, nobody is 100% secure from fuck ups. If you are missing something, found incorrect or outdated information, write in the comments to the guides, or via the feedback form. I will correct the shortcomings if possible.

I’m writing not only about how cool everything is in the city and country. But also what in fact you should expect. And you’ll have the opportunity to choose what is important, relevant, interesting for you.

Tips, recommendations, advertising, affiliate programs, etc.

I give advice and recommendations only based on my experience and/or subjective vision. I am very wary of advice when it is evident that it’s an advertisement that is presented as a personal opinion of a blogger. At least once, based on such advice, I bought a roaming package from one of the mobile operators. And I was very angry at the end. Only the price appeared to be attractive.

Affiliate programs, such as Booking.com or Airbnb, are possible to use. It can help me enormously enrich. At least I hope so :))). In any case, I do not plan to advertise services that I wouldn’t use.

Everyone who has managed to read this page to the end deserved great respect. And welcome to my blog and social media accounts.

Wishing you unforgettable journeys,
Oleksiy Cherkaskyy, Travirta’s author