Montenegro in 1, 2 or 3 Weeks – Recommended Itineraries

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Recommended Itineraries in Montenegro for 7, 14 or 21 days 

If you have already studied my detailed guide to Montenegro and other guides, you are already more or less aware of what you can see there, how to move around it, etc. Now you can start planning your itinerary.

From my experience, I can advise basic options for holidays in Montenegro of different duration. Don’t hesitate to take it as a basis. If you are hopelessly lazy, or the flight is already tomorrow, you can simply fully repeat the proposed programs.

I recommend alternating beach days with sightseeing ones. This model of vacation has proven itself well for me. Of course, two sightseeing or two beach days in a row will not spoil the general feeling.

In all cases, we will consider that you are lucky. At 15:00 you have already checked in and are ready to move toward exploring Montenegro. Suppose you decide to stay in the Budva area.

But just in case if you need more answeres to the common questions about Montenegro – here is a list of Montenegro FAQ to check.

7 days in Montenegro

I am deeply convinced that this will not be enough for Montenegro. But it is better to spend a week in Montenegro than at home.

1 week Montenegro vacation Itenerary 

Day 1. Budva.

Beach. Mogren is better, but Slovenska Plaza is also ok. Shadow appears earlier in the evening at Mogren.

Mogren beach in Budva. Montenegro.
Mogren beach in Budva. Montenegro.

Budva Old Town in the evening. Don’t spend too much time on this. Try to get into the fortress.

Clock tower in the Old Town of Budva in the evening. Montenegro.
Clock tower in the Old Town of Budva. Montenegro.

Day 2. Kotor + Tivat.

Getting up early and taking one of the first buses to go to Kotor is recommended. Believe me, even a slightly lower temperature will help you a lot when climbing the Kotor fortress. I recommend doing this first.

Climbing the stairs to the Kotor fortress. Kotor, Montenegro.
Uphill climbing the stairs to the Kotor Fortress. Montenegro.

I remind you that:

  1. Shorter and steeper climb – €8.
  2. Gentler and longer climb – €0.
  3. To run past the billet booth shouting “try to catch up” – priceless. But only if they don’t catch up. In this case, it is better to go down the free road. If they catch up, say that a huge cat was chasing you. It will look plausible since there are a lot of cats in Kotor.
Panorama of the Kotor town and the Bay of Kotor. View from the fortress over the city. Montenegro.
Kotor and Bay of Kotor. View from the fortress above the town. Montenegro.

You can explore Kotor Old Town after the descent.

Old Town of Kotor. Montenegro.
Old Town of Kotor. Montenegro.

In the late afternoon, go to the Kotor bus station and take a bus to Tivat. Your goal is the promenade with the Porto Montenegro marina.

Embankment of Porto Montenegro in the city of Tivat in Montenegro
Embankment of Porto Montenegro in the town of Tivat. Montenegro.

Return to Budva. I recommend knowing in advance when the last bus is. You can also return by taxi if you want to stay longer on the Tivat embankment. The distance is only 23 km.

Day 3. Budvanian Riviera.

Walking along the route BudvaBeciciRafailoviciKamenevoPrzno – Milocer Park – Sveti Stefan. With stops for rest and swimming on the beaches of the Budvanian Riviera. You can return on foot, by bus or taxi.

Becici beach on the Budvanian Riviera. Montenegro.
Becici beach on the Budva Riviera. Montenegro.
A beach in the Rafailovici. Budvanian Riviera, Montenegro.
Rafailovici Beach. Budva Riviera, Montenegro.
Rafailovici village. A small beach in front of the entrance to the tunnel leading to Kamenevo beach. Budva Riviera, Montenegro.
Rafailovici village. A small beach in front of the entrance to the tunnel leading to Kamenevo beach. Budvanian Riviera, Montenegro.
Entrance to the tunnel to Kamenevo beach. Budvavanian Riviera. Montenegro. May 2021.
Entrance to the Kamenevo beach tunnel. Budva Riviera. Montenegro.
Tunnel from Rafailovici to Kamenevo beach. Budvanian Riviera, Montenegro.
Tunnel from Rafailovici to Kamenevo beach. Budva Riviera, Montenegro.
Kamenevo beach. Budva Riviera. Montenegro.
Kamenevo beach. Budvanian Riviera. Montenegro.
Panorama of Przno village. Budvanian Riviera, Montenegro.
Przno. Budva Riviera, Montenegro.
Queen's Beach (Kraljicina Plaza) in Milocer Park. Budva Riviera, Montenegro.
Queen’s Beach in Milocer Park. Budvanian Riviera, Montenegro.
Milocer Beach (aka Royal Beach or King's Beach) on the Budva Riviera in Montenegro
Milocer Beach (aka Royal Beach or King’s Beach) on the Budvanian Riviera. Montenegro.
Sveti Stefan beach on the Budvanian Riviera in Montenegro
Sveti Stefan peninsula and the beach of the same name on the Budva Riviera. Montenegro.

Day 4. “Grand Canyons” excursion.

“Grand Canyons” tour route (by minibus):
  • Moraca river canyon
  • Moraca monastery
  • Tara river canyon
  • Djurdjevica Tara bridge
  • Durmitor National Park
  • Black lake
  • Zabljak
Black Lake in Durmitor National Park in Montenegro. Panorama from Mount Savin Kuk.
Black Lake in Durmitor National Park. Panorama from Mount Savin Kuk. Montenegro.

And here is a short video with a panorama of a small part of the Durmitor National Park from Mount Savin Kuk. Zabljak, Black Lake, Lake Barno, Mount Savin Kuk itself. You will not get to the mountain as part of a standard group tour. Need to go on your own. Get to the chair lift, make yourself comfortable (it’s better to wear diapers for those who are incredibly timid), and go up to a height of 2 km above sea level.

⛰️ DURMITOR National Park, Black Lake & Zabljak in MONTENEGRO - Panorama from Mount Savin Kuk
Durmitor National Park, Mount Savin Kuk, Zabljak, Black Lake, Lake Barno. Montenegro. End of June. Snow is still there.

Day 5. St. Nicholas Island.

Take a boat in Budva to St. Nicholas Island (original name – Sveti Nikola). There are options with a boat trip to Sveti Stefan.

Pier on Slovenska Plaza beach in Budva. Boats depart to Hawaii Beach on the Sveti Nikola (Saint Nicholas) Island. Montenegro.
Slovenska Plaza beach in Budva. Boats depart to Hawaii Beach on the St. Nicholas Island. Montenegro.
Sveti Stefan peninsula. Budva Riviera, Montenegro.
Sveti Stefan peninsula. Budvanian Riviera. Montenegro.

The island is uninhabited. You can usually stay on it until 18:00. At least, this was the case in September when I used the Galeb boat. Some carriers last pick up “their” passengers at 17:00. You can return on another boat. As I did once. They asked me to pay the full price of the ticket. If you return on the same boat as you arrived, you don’t need to pay anything. When departing for the island, a round-trip ticket is paid. For this reason, it is better to keep the ticket.

Hawaii beach on the Sveti Nikola (St. Nicholas) Island, opposite Budva in Montenegro
Hawaii beach on the St. Nicholas (Sveti Nikola) Island, opposite Budva. Montenegro.
🏝️🏖️ St. NICHOLAS ISLAND & Hawaii Beach with Panorama of Budva, Montenegro

Day 6. Bay of Kotor.

Panorama of the Bay of Kotor. View from the city of Herceg Novi. Montenegro.
Bay of Kotor panorama. View from the city of Herceg Novi. Montenegro.

There are several options here. You can do it yourself or with a tour.


If you go on your own, I suggest the following. Early in the morning take the bus Budva – Herceg Novi. The one that goes through the ferry crossing.

As soon as the bus has entered the ferry, get off it. Turn your head around. That’s what you’ll see here:

🚢 BAY of KOTOR FERRY Line Kamenari-Lepetane in MONTENEGRO - One Shot
Kamenari-Lepetane ferry across the Verige Strait in the Bay of Kotor. One of the most beautiful places in Montenegro.

Herceg Novi. First of all, I recommend climbing the fortress of Spanjola. It’s the highest point on the route. It’s optimal to climb up while you are still full of strength. Although the climb is not particularly long and steep. Then the Kanli Kula fortress, the Old Town, the Forte Mare fortress, and the embankment on both sides of the Forte Mare.

Panorama of the city of Herceg Novi in ​​Montenegro. Old Town, fortresses Kanli Kula and Forte Mare, Bay of Kotor.
Panorama of the city of Herceg Novi in ​​Montenegro. Old Town, Kanli Kula and Forte Mare fortresses, Bay of Kotor.

At the Herceg Novi bus station, take the bus passing through Perast. Jump off in Perast. Walk along the entire promenade. Look at the street parallel to it. You can take a boat to Gospa od Skrpjela (Mother of God on the Reef) and the St. George islands.

Panorama of the Bay of Kotor from the city of Perast. Montenegro.
Bay of Kotor panorama from the town of Perast. Montenegro.

You can also climb up to the remains of the Holy Cross Fortress. If you arrive in Perast along the highway above the city, it makes sense to go up to the ruins of the fortress first.

Take the bus to Kotor. Get off at the bus station. Take the bus to Budva.

Boat trip around the Bay of Kotor

A standard group excursion starts in the morning. The bus collects tourists along the coast, including Budva. The marine part starts in Tivat. The pleasure boat departs from the pier in the Porto Montenegro marina.

Bay of Kotor tour program (9 hours):
  • Tivat
  • Bay of Kotor
  • Mamula Island
  • Blue Cave
  • Herceg Novi
  • Gospa od Skrpjela Island
  • Perast
  • Kotor

Day 7. Beaches of Budva or Lake Skadar.

If you feel like you don’t have enough beach time, you can plan a day to relax on the beaches of Budva or the surrounding area. For example, you can spend a day at Jaz Beach. Or go straight to the beach that you have already chosen earlier.

Skadar Lake and the Crnojevica River

In 2024, 8-hour morning tours and 5-hour evening tours are available.

LAKE SKADAR National Park and Rijeka Crnojevica in MONTENEGRO - Must-See Attraction
Crnojevica River (Rijeka Crnojevica) and Lake Skadar National Park in Montenegro. One of the must-see attractions.

14 days in Montenegro

2 weeks Montenegro Itinerary

Day 1-5. 

Similar to the 7-day program.

  • Budva
  • Kotor + Tivat
  • Budvanian Riviera
  • “Grand Canyons” excursion
  • Sveti Nikola Island

Day 6. Boat excursion around the Bay of Kotor.

Similar to the 7-day program.

Day 7. Jaz Beach.

Day 8. Lake Skadar.

Similar to the 7-day program.

Crnojevica river flowing into Lake Skadar. Montenegro.
The Crnojevica River flows into Lake Skadar. Montenegro.

Day 9. Cetinje + Lovcen

⛰️ LOVCEN National Park and Njegos Mausoleum in MONTENEGRO - Must-See Attraction

There are two main options here – a group tour “Maxi Montenegro” or an individual trip. The first option is suitable if you travel alone and want to save money.

Program of the excursion “Maxi Montenegro”:
  • Cetinje
  • Cetinje Monastery
  • Mount Lovcen
  • Mausoleum of Njegos
  • Village of Njegusi
  • Bay of Kotor
Private tour

A variety of options are possible here. For example, come to Cetinje on your own by bus. Along the way, you can go to the nearby Lipskaya Cave. In Cetinje, watch what will be interesting to you. Get transport to Lovcen. It can be a complete private tour with a guide. Or you can just take a taxi, as I did.

Of course, for one or two, this option will be more expensive than for a company. In any case, a private tour to Lovcen National Park looks like the preferred option.

Day 10. Petrovac or Canj beach or Ulcinj + Velika Plaza.

I will offer several options for this day, depending on your preferences.

Panorama of the city of Petrovac and the city beach. Montenegro.
Petrovac town. Montenegro.

It is the nearest location offered. Here you can stroll along the embankment of Petrovac, watch the remains of the Venetian fortress Castello. The option to swim is also appropriate if you find a free place.

Venetian fortress Castello in the city of Petrovac in Montenegro
Venetian fortress Castello (Castello) in Petrovac. Montenegro.

More poppy Lucice and Buljarica can also be used as beaches. Or the less poppy beach of Perazica Do.

Also, from Petrovac you can swim to small islands opposite the town – Katic and Holy Week.

Katic and Holy Week Islands opposite the city of Petrovac in Montenegro
Katic and Holy Week Islands opposite the town of Petrovac. Montenegro.
Canj Beach + Queen’s Beach

It’s a little further and a purely beach option. You can get from Canj to Queen’s beach by boat.

Ulcinj + Velika Plaza (Long Beach)

It’s much further than the first two options. But we are talking about the largest beach on the Adriatic coast. In addition, Velika Plaza beach is one of the very few completely sandy beaches in Montenegro. As a bonus, you can see Ulcinj town.

Safari Beach - a part of the huge sandy Velika Plaza beach in Montenegro, near Ulcinj.
Velika Plaza – a huge sandy beach in Montenegro, near Ulcinj. Subbeach – Safari.
Panorama of Ulcinj city and Mala Plaza beach in Montenegro
Ulcinj city and Mala Plaza beach. Montenegro.

Day 11. Transfer to Herceg Novi.

The optimal route has already been described as a part of the weekly program:

  • Spanjola Fortress
  • Kanli Kula Fortress
  • Old Town
  • Forte Mare Fortress

The embankment on both sides of the Forte Mare.

It should be noted here that the evening views from Spanjola are also fascinating. Towards the end of September, there were almost no people here either during the day or in the evening.

Bay of Kotor panorama from the city of Herceg Novi. Montenegro.
Panorama of the Bay of Kotor from Herceg Novi. Montenegro.
Bay of Kotor - evening panorama from the city of Herceg Novi. Montenegro.
Bay of Kotor – evening panorama from Herceg Novi. Montenegro.
Promenade in the city of Herceg Novi. Montenegro.
Promenade in Herceg Novi. Montenegro.

Day 12. Trip to Dubrovnik (Croatia)

Even at the end of September, on a rainy day, Dubrovnik is simply packed with tourists. There was a queue even at the entrance to the fortress wall. And for this pleasure you still had to pay about €30. It’s scary to think about Dubrovnik in the high season. 

You can go to Dubrovnik as part of a group tour from Montenegro. That’s what I did the first time. Probably I made this decision after being overheated on the beach the day before. Without understanding what I was doing. Overall, I do not recommend the option of a tour. You depart very early in the morning, and you leave Dubrovnik early. A guide on the spot, in principle, is not needed. And such as we had – and even more so.

The only benefit of a group tour is that you stop at the viewpoint, which offers a simply gorgeous panorama of Dubrovnik and its surroundings.

Panorama of the city of Dubrovnik from the viewing platform in front of the entrance to the town. Croatia.
Panorama of Dubrovnik from the observation deck before entering the city. Croatia.

I recommend going to Dubrovnik on your own. There is nothing complicated in this. Just get on the regular bus and go. On the way there, it is better to sit on the left, on the way back – on the right. The mentioned viewpoint is located 2.5 km from the Old Town. The road is uphill but not steep. You can get there on your feet. Or you can cover this distance by taxi. But remember that this is no longer Montenegro. In Croatia prices are higher.

I recommend going beyond the fortress walls and climbing to the Lovrijenac (or St. Lawrence) Fortress. You can take good photos even without entering the fortress. But from the top of Lovrijenac, the panorama of Dubrovnik is even more remarkable. Yes, there is an entrance fee, approximately €7.

There is nothing special inside Lovrijenac. Just a well-preserved fortress on a cliff. Lovrijenac is valuable primarily for its views. Literally under your feet will be the Blackwater Bay. And the beach where Tyrion got his face scratched.

Beach under the walls of Dubrovnik Old Town in Croatia
Dubrovnik, Croatia. Beach under the Old Town walls. Tyrion’s wound’s place is over there on the left, between the upper and lower canoes.

And in general, the theme of the Game of Thrones in Dubrovnik is predictably popular. Guides with albums in their hands conduct excursions to familiar places. Here it was on the screen, and here it is in reality.

Frankly speaking, I would advise you to plan at least 2 full days in Dubrovnik. Three is better. The reason:


Dubrovnik without Lokrum – money down the drain

Dubrovnik sunset has its own charm. 

Stradun - the main street in the Dubrovnik Old Town in Croatia. Evening.
Stradun street in the evening Dubrovnik. Croatia.
Stairs in the city of Dubrovnik in Croatia. The same one that Cersei descended in the Game of Thrones.
The exact staircase in the city of Dubrovnik in Croatia. Anyone who has watched Game of Thrones can easily recognize it. There are rumors that some girls periodically try to get into character and play a scene.
Dubrovnik, Croatia. Evening. Sunset meeting point on a cliff outside the city walls.
Evening Dubrovnik, Croatia. Sunset meeting point on a cliff outside the city walls.

But if you are short of time, let it be at least 1 day. In this case, you will most likely want to return for a more extended visit. 

Day 13. Zanjice beach.

Pleasure boats on Zanjice beach in Montenegro.
Pleasure boats on the Zanjice beach. Montenegro.

Get on one of the piers in Herceg Novi for a boat to Zanjice beach. If by that time you had not yet been to the Blue Cave (or were, but did not swim), then I recommend visiting it. Pajo boats are quite suitable for this purpose.

If you want maximum free space and clean water, I recommend choosing the far side of the beach.

Day 14. Excursion to Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mostar city and Kravice waterfalls)

21 days in Montenegro

3 weeks Montenegro Itinerary

Day 1-5. 

Similar to the weekly program.

  • Budva
  • Kotor + Tivat
  • Budvanian Riviera
  • “Grand Canyons” excursion
  • Sveti Nikola Island

Day 6-9. 

Similar to the 2-week program.

  • Boat trip around the Bay of Kotor
  • Jaz Beach
  • Lake Skadar
  • Cetinje + Lovcen
Skadar lake in Montenegro
Lake Skadar in Montenegro.
An observation deck on Mount Lovcen in Montenegro
Viewing platform on Mount Lovcen (Lovcen) in Montenegro. Right behind the Njegos mausoleum. Montenegro.

Day 10. Petrovac.

Similar to the 2-week program.

Scenic Hiking Trail from PETROVAC to PERAZICA DO Beach in MONTENEGRO - 18 min.

Day 11. Biogradska Gora National Park.

You can organize a private tour or go on your own.

If you are traveling alone and not by car. Get to Podgorica. From there, take a bus or train to Kolasin or Mojkovac. Then take a taxi to the very heart of Biogradska Gora – Lake Biograd. You can go boating on the lake. Or you can go on foot or by jeep to other lakes and peaks. Or just take a walk along the trails around the lake and surrounding area.

Day 12. Canj beach + Queen’s beach.

Similar to the 2-week program.

Day 13. Prokletije National Park or Sutomore with surroundings.

The most important thing here is to find out if it is possible to get to Prokletije. Better to take a private tour. The option to get there by public transport is not yet worth considering. On your own by car – it’s also better to weigh everything carefully, depending on the condition of the roads.

If Prokletije is unavailable during your stay in Montenegro, you can spend an extra day on the coast in the Sutomore region. You can walk around the city itself. Relax on the main beach. Get to the wild beaches in small bays. There are a lot of them in the vicinity of Sutomore. Or you can climb the Tabija fortress.

SUTOMORE, Montenegro - Beach, Mountains & Tabija Fortress Panorama - One Shot

Day 14. Ulcinj + Velika Plaza (Long Beach).

Similar to the 2-week program.

Day 15. Excursion to Albania.

Albania should not be underestimated. It’s perhaps the most non-European country of all European ones. And it’s located almost in the center of Europe. A lot of interesting places have been preserved here. And until recently, it was all hidden from mass tourism.

You won’t be able to see much in one day. Previously, as part of a standard group tour, one could casually see Shkoder (or Shkodra) and Tirana – the capital of Albania. Now it’s only Shkoder. And, from my point of view, that makes more sense. Since both cities in a day mean way too fast in each of them.

Day 16. Transfer to Herceg Novi.

Similar to the 2-week program.

Day 17. Trip to Dubrovnik (Croatia).

Similar to the 2-week program.

Day 18. Zanjice Beach

Similar to the 2-week program.

Day 19. Excursion to Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mostar city and Kravice waterfalls)

Day 20-21. Podgorica, Ostrog Monastery, etc.

Before leaving Montenegro, you can spend 1-2 days in Podgorica. Of course, if you plan to depart from the capital’s airport. There are several places to see in Podgorica – old districts, parks, bridges, the remains of an ancient Roman settlement, religious buildings, etc.

Moraca River in Podgorica - the capital of Montenegro
Moraca River in Podgorica – the capital of Montenegro

Half a day can be dedicated to a trip to the Ostrog Monastery, built in the rock. If it’s interesting for you.

Also, you can visit the local Niagara waterfalls or the contact zoo not far from the city.

Change the order of a 3-week trip to Montenegro

If you plan to apply a three-week program at the end of the season, then it is better to move the Herceg Novi block to the beginning of your holiday. Thus, it will be approximately equally warm during your entire stay in Montenegro.

Notes on recommended itineraries

Excursion programs are indicated as of 2024. Subsequently, they can be adjusted. Check the latest information before traveling to Montenegro. 

Some days will most likely need to be swapped, as not all tours take place every day. And beach days can be moved painlessly.


I hope my approximate Montenegro trip plan will be helpful to you when planning your own journey. 

You can find more helpful information about the country in my detailed guide to Montenegro and other guides on my blog.

Do you want fast answers for basic questions? Recommend to check my FAQ about Montenegro (39 most popular questions).

All videos from Montenegro are on my Youtube channel – Travirta.

Have a question or want to share an advice?

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